Sunday, January 2, 2022

Nature Meditation

The common meditation technique is closing senses and working at the mind level. Focus on breath, feel sensations within one's body. It is also sensing inwards and becoming inert to sensory responses to external elements and the environment. Say a person meditating in a closed room, not getting disturbed by external sounds, people not seeing him/her, not seeing anything by closing eyes, comfortable warmth by staying indoors, 

Life is being present. To be present use all your senses and improve the sensitivity of the sensors. By activating senses a person becomes more sensitive and becomes responsible. The synthesis of sensory responses of the present makes a person live in present and be human.

The Geo Spirit nature connect programs, makes a person more sensitive. Being sensitive means a person is would have more challenges in life to address. Geo Spirit is 'Nature Meditation.' Nature meditations are done outside in the natural surroundings. All the senses are connected to the outer world using the senses such as eyes (seeing), hear and listening (ears), feel and touch(skin), Tongue (taste) and Nose (smell) - information is processed in the mind.

The forms of meditation are
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Spiritual meditation
  • Focused meditation
  • Movement meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • Transcendental meditation
  • Progressive relaxation
  • Loving-kindness meditation
  • Visualization meditation
  • Nature Meditation